Then, for the Solarized Light colorscheme in Vim, I downloaded the Solarized Light colorscheme (from here) and set my. In my iTerm2, I selected the Solarized Light preset color scheme (Preferences -> Profiles -> Colors -> Color Presets -> Solarized Light). Add the emacs-color-theme-solarized directory to your Emacs load-path.
The tutorial above basically gives instructions on how to download the Solarized Light color scheme and the Solarized dir colors for wsltty. Solarized for Emacs is tested only under Emacs 24, but. cobalt merbivore-soft tomorrow-night mono-industrial solarized-dark xcode dreamweaver tomorrow-night-eighties terminal clouds solarized-light. Modeled after Ethan Schoonovers ViM color scheme (though it doesnt follow it exactly). Instead, this color scheme works out of the box everywhere. think) is a little bit closer to the intended Solarized look.

That YouTube video links this page which describes how to get the colorscheme seen in the video: Solarized for Emacs is an Emacs port of the Solarized theme for vim, developed by Ethan Schoonover. The main reason for the existence of this project is that the original Solarized theme does not define guifg and guibg in terminal Vim, making it unsuitable for versions of Vim supporting true-color (i.e., 24-bit color) terminals. I am trying to mimic this colorscheme (found in this YouTube video): The terminal being used in my iTerm2 is xterm-256color. I looked through StackOverflow and other online resources, but none of the solutions solved/answered my question.īasically, I am trying to setup the Solarized Light scheme in iTerm2 (for usage in terminal vim too). I would like to apologize in advance that I am asking another Vim/iTerm2 colorscheme question.